image segmentation with markers
w = watershed(img [,markers, nhood])
is '-1' or omitted, then the regional
minima of im
will be taken as the markers.Function watershed
computes the Watershed transform for
image segmentation. This operation is also known as morphological
sup-reconstruction. It is a region-growing algorithm which
partitions the image into regions around each marker. Read
the references or search the Internet for more theoretical
In the example we show a useful application of this operator: separation of overlapping objects.
// Suppose we have an image of many round or oval objects, such as a // microscope image of blood cells. After thresholding the image, we // end up with a binary image like this: xset('auto clear', 'on'); a = gray_imread(SIPDIR + 'images/disks.bmp'); imshow(a,2); // // We want to make the computer count the number of cells in the image, // but there are some circles that are overlapping, thus forming a single // connected component. Watershed is classically used for separating // mingled objects like these. // // First, calculate the distance transform: a = 1-a; d = bwdist(a); d = normal(sqrt(d),255); // normalize it to 0-255 range imshow(d+1, hotcolormap(256)); // // The latter command shows the distance transform in shades from // black to red to yellow to white. The brighter the color, the // greater the distance of a point to the background. // If you have the ENRICO toolbox, you can nicely plot the distance // transform in 3D using sadesurf. ENRICO is not necessary for this // example, but anyway you may download it at: // // // Note that the peaks of the distance transform are in the middle of // each blob. The idea is to run watershed segmentation using these // peaks as markers. For this, we invert the distance transform so // that the peaks become the regional minima: d = 255 - d; imshow(d+1, hotcolormap(256)); // Now we "and" the distance transform with the original image, so // that the background remains dark. d = d .* a; imshow(d+1,hotcolormap(256)); // Finally, run watershed segmentation. It automatically detects the // regional minima for us: w = watershed(d/255); // input to watershed must be in 0-1 range imshow(w, rand(256,3)); // 'w' is an image with a unique number for each watershed region. // The imshow with a random colormap displays each region with a // unique arbitrary color. Note how the regions were correctly separated by // watershed, except for the hardest cases. It is extremely easy to // count the number of regions: n = max(w) - 1 // 26 regions minus the background // The computer found 25 regions, but there are 20, an error of about 20% // Let's improve this result. In the cases with many overlapping // circles, the result would be perfect if it weren't for the small // spurious regions. These are much smaller than the circles, // so we can safely eliminate the regions with less than 100 pixels: w2 = w; for i=1:n f = find(w==i); // coordinates of i-th region if size(f,'*') < 100 w2(f) = 26; // merge small regions with the background end end imshow(w2, rand(256,3)); // note how the small regions are gone // Now we count again, using a different way: n = size( unique(w2), '*') - 1 // subtract 1 for the background // Now it's 100% correct! We have an authomatic method wich is surprisingly // robust. This is specially useful to deal with bigger images in large // ammount. // // Enjoy! // // TIP #1: Another way to improve the results is to do a median // filtering of the distance transform. This will remove many spurious // minima. Use mogrify(img, ['-median', '2']). Slight Gaussian smoothing also // works well. // // TIP #2: for grayscale image segmentation, calculate the image // gradient before watershed. Use edge(img,'sobel',-1) for this. // // TIP #3: use xgetpixel in a for loop (or something similar) to select // the seed pixels to be used with watershed segmentation. xset('auto clear', 'off'); | ![]() | ![]() |
"The Image Foresting Tranform: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications" A.X. Falcao, R.A. Lotufo, and J.Stolfi, IEEE T. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (accepted for publication).
The IFT home page and the GIFT free software:
The original algorithm certainly that of Vincent and Soille, although it differs from the one we used in SIP/Animal:
"Watersheds in digital spaces: an efficient algorithm based on immersion simulations." IEEE T. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 1991.