sip_colormap — creates a beautiful colormap
[map,map_number] = sip_colormap(colormap_name_or_number [,number_of_colors])
Default is 256 (8 bits).
If this number is negative, then the function will return the complimentary colormap.
returns one the
predefined colormaps.
shows the available names.
These colormaps were created by Enrico Segre and are from the ENRICO toolbox. Have a look at this toolbox if you want to improve Scilab displays.
image=imread(SIPDIR+'images/photonics/laser1.jpg'); //reads an indexed image map=sip_colormap(10,256); //takes the colormap number 19 //it's the same as: map=sip_colormap('sunrise',256); xbasc();imshow(image,map); //display in false colors //For 3D plots, with the map number 16 ('prism') xset("window",1);xset("colormap",sip_colormap(16,256)); [r,c]=size(image); plot3d1(1:4:r,1:4:c,image(1:4:r,1:4:c)) //You can have the complimentary colormap with comp_map=abs(1-map); xbasc();imshow(image,comp_map); //or simply:comp_map=sip_coloramp(16,-256) //To reverse the color order: invmap(256:-1:1,1:3)=sip_colormap(7,256); //To display a colormap: map1=ones(1:100)'*(256:-1:1); xbasc();imshow(map1',sip_colormap(4)) //will display the colormap number 4 in 256 colors