ntsc2rgb — Convert from NTSC/YIQ to RGB colorspace
RGB = ntsc2rgb(YIQ)
should be M x N x 3
the type should be double and the element value range should be [0,1].
and type of double.
converts an image or colormap in the YIQ
colorspace to the RGB colorspace. The YIQ model is used in NTSC and European
TV's. It is useful for b&w and color compatibility, since the
cromaticity (I and Q) and luminance (Y) are conveniently isolated.
ntsc2rgb(YIQ) uses the following operation to convert each YIQ triplet:
! R ! ! 1.000 0.956 0.621 ! ! Y ! ! G ! = ! 1.000 -0.272 -0.647 ! * ! I ! ! B ! ! 1.000 -1.105 1.702 ! ! Q !
Supported classes: DOUBLE.