imxprofile — Draws intensity profiles of an already displayed image
If a color image is displayed, it's internally converted to a gray one to display intensity profiles.
This image should be displayed before invoquing imxprofile.
The default setting is to calculate a value such that the maximal value of the image will be displayed at a quarter of the image.
This is an improved version of improfile: it's supposed to be more intuitive and pleasant.
The function draws the values of pixels on a line and a row. It can draw profiles on the image and in separate windows.
People interested in determining the radius w of a laser beam (in order to calculate its beam waist for example) can try option=2.
a=gray_imread(SIPDIR+'images/tru.jpg'); imshow(a); imxprofile(a); //profiles in separate windows xbasc(); imshow(a); imxprofile(a,1) //laser beam visualisation b=imread(SIPDIR+'images/photonics/laser1.jpg'); xbasc();imshow(b,[]); imxprofile(b,2);
Jocelyn DRUEL <jocelyn DOT druel1 AT libertysurf DOT fr> |
Ricardo Fabbri <ricardofabbri AT users DOTsf DOT net> |