edilate — Euclidean morphological dilation of binary
Dil = edilate(Img, [radius, form])
. It assumes be one of the
following values:
has the same size as the original image,
M x N
. The image is assumed to be 0 outside its
(M+2*radius-1) x
. The image is assumed to be 0
outside its bounds.
Function edilate
performs exact euclidean dilation of a binary image Img
using a circle as the structuring element. It is implemented in C to be fast.
Img = gray_imread(SIPDIR+'images/tru.jpg'); Img = 1-im2bw(Img, 0.3); xbasc() imshow(Img,2); e = edilate(Img,7); xbasc() imshow(e,2);