SIP Functions
- angle - gradient direction of edges
- bwborder - border detection for binary images
- bwdist - distance transforms
- bwlabel - connected component labeling
- curvature2d - curvature of a surface or image
- curvature - curvature of a contour
- dilate - morphological dilation of binary images
- drawline - draws line in a binary image
- edge - edge detection
- edilate - euclidean morphological dilation of binary images
- erode - morphological erosion of binary images
- fftderiv - derivative of a vector using FFT
- follow - a contour follower
- fractal - multiscale fractal dimension curve
- gray_imread - read any image as grayscale
- gsm2d - 2D gaussian smoothing
- gsm - 1D gaussian smoothing
- hello_sip - learn to add your own C routine to SIP
- hough - hough transform for line detection
- ihough - inverse hough transform
- im2bw - convert images to binary by thresholding
- im2gray - converts color images or colormaps to grayscale
- imconv - 2D convolution
- imcorrcoef - template matching by normalized correlation
- imfinfo - image file information
- imnoise - generate noise (salt & pepper, etc)
- imphase - image phase calculation.
- improfile - draws intensity profiles of an image
- imread - reads image file in ANY format
- imroi - roi (region of interest) of an image
- imshow - displays images in scilab graphic window
- imvariance - calculates the variance of an image
- imwrite - writes to an image file in ANY format
- ind2rgb - convert indexed images to truecolor storage
- interferometry_gui - Graphical User Interface for SIP functions
- minmax - Min/Max algorithm for noise removal from images
- mkfftfilter - builds 2D frequency-domain filters
- mkfilter - returns popular 2D convolution kernels
- mogrify - filter, rotate, zoom, equalization, and MANY more.
- normal - normalize array to a given range
- ntsc2rgb - converts from YIQ to RGB colorspace
- percol - test if binary image is percolated
- perim - perimeter of binary shape
- pifilter - pi filter for phased images
- poledetection - poles (or residues) detection in a wrapped phased image
- rgb2ntsc - converts from RGB to YIQ colorspace
- sip_fftshift - swap arrays (used with fft)
- skel - skeletonization, thinning, Medial Axis Transform
- thin - thinning by border deletion
- unfollow - converts a parametric contour into a binary image
- unwrapl - unwraps phased images linearly
- unwrapp - unwraps phased images by path following
- watershed - image segmentation with markers
- xgetpixel - gets the pixel coordinates from an image
- xor - exclusive or
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